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A silk scrunchie is a luxurious hair accessory that is made of 100% pure silk fabric. It is designed to be gentle on hair and is perfect for those with curly hair who want to avoid damaging their delicate strands. Some benefits of using a silk scrunchie include preventing breakage and tangles, retains moisture and prevents creasing or flattening while in your sleep. Overall a silk scrunchie is a must have accessory for anyone with curly hair!

Our silk scrunchies are the perfect accessory for curly hair! Made from high-quality silk, these scrunchies are gentle on your hair and won't cause damage or breakage like traditional hair ties can.

One of the best things about our silk scrunchies is that they're perfect for all types of curly hair. Whether you have tight coils or loose waves, these scrunchies are designed to hold your hair securely without causing any tangles or snarls.

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